Dropbox Capture Brings New Powers to Screenshots

Anyone who shares a lot of screenshots with work colleagues and clients or in social situations will be pleased to hear about the new Dropbox Capture app.

Dropbox Capture Launches

Dropbox Capture enables users to record screenshots and videos, mark them up, and invite others to comment and markup through a shareable link that doesn’t require a sign-in. With sharing screenshots and receiving feedback now a commonplace interaction, the Capture app aims to save users time by consolidating feedback in one location.

Dropbox Capture for Businesses

The app’s designers also say it is a tool for organizations to use as part of onboarding or training, allowing them to ‘show rather than tell’ answers to FAQs or common processes.

Another aim of the app is for the likes of designers, editors, project managers and others to use it as a more visually friendly means of sharing progress on a project, as well as troubleshooting and discussing feedback.

Users’ Praise for Dropbox Capture

Dropbox Capture user Adam Nielson is a creative director at Utah-based film production company Kaleidoscope Pictures, and his job is to create content to attract, engage and retain audiences for clients. Speaking on the Windows blog, Adam explains how the new app helps his team, saying: “This is a creative industry, so using Dropbox Capture gives us an opportunity to lay out our thought processes.

“The written word doesn’t work for everybody and I’m no writer, so Capture helps me get information to my teammates quickly. Being able to show multiple apps and walk a team member through feedback that needs to be more than a comment, with visual and verbal cues to help round out messages, has been huge. And it also gives people time to react on their own schedule.”

Dropbox Capture Availability

Dropbox Capture is available in the Microsoft Store to download, and is compatible on both Windows 10 and 11.

Image: Depositphotos

This article, “Dropbox Capture Brings New Powers to Screenshots” was first published on Small Business Trends